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How to Fix Red Light Problem of 1506g Receiver With RS232

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How to Fix Red Light Problem of 1506g Receiver With RS232

Dear friends, my name is Engineer Mahar Mulazim Hussain Lohanch and you are watching my YouTube channel. It has happened and there are strikes on the other channel, people can see this, because of which I am not able to add the link, so this fun is for a few days, as soon as this option comes, I will add the link. will give

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So friends, our topic is that how can we recover our receiver through rska 132. This is Rasi wala ji pyare se receiver rasim wala so for this work friends you guys have to use a note called Lesson Plus Loader I can show you Sun Plus Loader this is what you guys have to use here What’s the option for you, friends? First of all, what’s in front of you here is doing flash writing in DoubleScom. You’re your ISP and at the end it’s about.

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This is the third job, UARTIS, it is ASP, you have to click on it, you people have to click on it. If you guys will click on about, it will look like this. After clicking, what do you guys have to do?

As far as the nation is concerned here, if I talk about the nation, my computer has automatically picked up this nation.

  Then what do you guys have to do, friends, here you have to go to the May computer, May the computer and me, after going to the computer, open it, sorry, I didn’t want to open it. After left click, you guys take whatever property is there. After opening the property, you guys have to open the device manager of your computer. After opening the device manager, friends

Port Com LPT is written here. Let’s see. Ports is written. Com and LPT is written. You have to click on it. As soon as you click on it, my computer automatically Work has been done, work number nine is up here, if you use the system window, that is, the old up, then the video will be bigger, so I will tell you about it in the next video. How can we change seven, six, five, that is the next topic, I will tell you inshallah, so you guys can check what is here and change what is yours, that is, the work sequence here, because my Why pass and option is not available because I have auto selected, if you were not selected then work options are available here.

The first task is done, after that, you guys can refresh this button by clicking on this button, you guys can refresh it, yes, and now we guys are going to select round here. In the same place on the file, select the room file as we will do, then it is saying where you have kept the file, so I have kept the file from it, I have kept it inside the USB and this file What is it, friends, you guys can take any one here, so give a special thought to it that here it should be the word bin, it should be bin, it’s fine, as you can see, you guys should be bin, this place is fine, yes, it is. There should be a pin, ok, so you guys have to pay special attention to this thing, so I have selected it, so after that, see this file, which is selected, and it has appeared in this place, you guys can see that the file has appeared. It’s ok brother

So this was the first and second task. Now after that, the option that is here is standing. You guys have to put the option here. 15 16. This option has come down, as far as I talk about DTR, here you guys have to keep 200, see this, you guys have to write it yourself, DTR 2 is fine, don’t keep GDR 3, keep DDR 2. It is necessary to take special care of this matter, you people have to keep DTR 2, so like Media 2 we selected, then this option is in front of you here, he also showed the selected yar 2. Then what are the rest of us?

All the other things that are standing three, four or five should not be touched by you people, that is, this is what is in front of you, that is, this is standing. Not doing showtime, not checking the dll file, so it’s okay for you guys to get rid of it, as all our settings have been done and you guys have done it.

Which is the cable with RS232, you have to put it behind your receipt and from here you have to put it behind it, that is, before doing this, I have made a lot of detailed videos on my channel masking number. It has been created on number one, but the edition has also been created on number two, so after that, friends, we are going to start. Let’s start it

So, when you start it, the one in front of you has given the connection which is successful or you can see the inter-thread URT thread open ear for connection successful it tells your receiver to enter the one which is. So, as I turn on the receiver, you guys will see what the scene is, if it turns on at the same time, then you can turn it off and then turn it on. What happens then guys see this as soon as I did it this is what you have in front of you it’s started receiver now

Check all this here. All this data is in front of you. If you check it, you can see that it is six full in the bottom line. Stem number one two is full. Three is full. Success has been completed, friends, this is eight number, nine number, this is ten number, after that he has started the progress, so this is the progress, friends, it will continue, that is, it has to be almost 100 percent, so in this, I have a little video. I skip C so that you guys can save time, so I’m going to skip the video, guys, if I reach 99, then I’ll start recording the video.

Well, friends, what we have now is 100% done, then this OK message also appeared in front of you, and in addition to that, what you have to do is to show up here, for example, wait for system reset, then you have done it here. If you delete it, it won’t make any difference to the loader, so now you can completely delete it, and after deleting it, you will definitely look at your receiver, my saver in. Whether it happened or not, when the receiver is turned on, you guys can turn it off, so I will also show it to you. If it is OK, I will show you the display of my receiver here.

As now I am going to show you the display of the device, so I open its app, I have opened the app, friends, now I have the display of the receiver, so the language I have selected in it. Its dub has to be installed, you guys can see it has been installed, this software etc. is now successfully styled as software.

PART Number 01

 Part Number 02

So friends, now I hope you guys will like this video, inshallah you guys will like this content and you guys must have benefited friends, friends, with my efforts, I will present new things to you guys so that you guys will enjoy it. If it can be useful, inshallah friends, see you with the next video

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