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Gx6605s HW203 Sat Finder Original Software – Sat Finder

Hello friends, how are you, how are you friends, I hope all of you are doing well, may Allah bless us all, friends, my name is Engineer Mahar Mulazim Hussain Lohanch and I wish you all the best. Welcome to my YouTube channel friends, I am presenting a great software up to the service of people which is politics zero five hardware which is 203 203.0.001.

IPC 2023 06 Video

  So, first of all, we upgrade it, we apply the first file on top of it, then the first file, which is the US dollar, was ready. Friends, this is the first file, I am going to select it, I will put its link in the description, then I apply this first file. Because the first time I saw the content of your friends, I know more about the content that you present to your friends in Qiblah, so this software is very good with TV finder, it has Zen signal. There is also the option of very good software that will be liked by your friends

IPC 2023 06 Video

Well, friends, the first file has been applied, you guys can see it. The first file is a change in it. If I let you guys check the version, then you guys can see it. You guys can also see it on the offline F2 series GX66 zip. You can note that this is 203 doubles. You guys have seen it.

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Now we go to the next process and clear it. So, friends, please take special care of these things. You have to keep them here, not on the app. Don’t put it on but it has to be put on it.

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File path also means give the path where it is. Path means the path. From where you have saved the file now, then give it the file. Then this is the file that I have created. It was set for , then I select it, then I do it OK, friends, the file has been matched, God willing, our setup box will join,

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so friends, only one request is made, this is a very good software. I am offering service to people, so please subscribe to the channel, it has many good options, which is the signal option, you have the biscuit option, and in addition to this, it also has the option of C-com and seat finder. It has an option

IPC 2023 06 Video

Well, friends, what is on the server is the complete software, now let me show you all the settings, this is its beautiful menu, so first of all, the flight goes into the settings, and after that, there is the poplist, the silk ticket is B. There is an option of zero in the tap list. Click on the option of zero to delete all the taps.

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And after that, if you have media, you can see what is in the media. You can see it in the upgrade. Friends, here is the option of bus. You can add anything to it

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  So, apart from that, all these options in the settings are known daily and finally in the finder setting, I show the app logo in the finder, which is the finder setting, that is, the strength of the bag light, the buzzer, and the visits. If the finder is given, then the ID video setting is the ST setting

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After that, the channel is my second option and its finder is the one

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This is the final option in the finder. As soon as you press the F1 button, you will have the zoom option. What will come from Krasti will be deducted

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  After that, look at the spectrum and the spectrum, here it is, it is connected to them, so the show will be shown here. Quotation and what is after that is oscillation, it is also analyze frequency, analyze is also program, you guys can see it, so what you have option is that of compass, so these are all its options.

IPC 2023 06 Video

 For Watching this Video Click Here


Very good software for video finder now CC is not their option but only key option is ok guys inshallah I will be back with my video till then Allah Hafiz

For Downloading This Software Click HERE Below

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